Low Ticket Live®️ 2024 Sponsorship
Low Ticket Live®️ 2024 Sponsorship

Low Ticket Live®️ 2024 Sponsorship

I’m offering sponsorship for my upcoming virtual summity event, Low Ticket Live®️.

📅 Monday 8th - Thursday 11th July 2024

This is the second time I’ve hosted this event.

A free, 3-day virtual event to get inspired to create your next high-value, low ticket offer with creative ideas from the top innovative brains in the online business world.

For context, please also see the Low Ticket Live®️ Speaker Application Page.

Sponsorship is separate from speaking.

📈 Key Stats

(from previous events)


4 Day Summit

  • July 2023
  • ~8,660 registrants
  • 1,036 Play Passes
  • ~$143,700 revenue

Free/Paid Hybrid Bundle™️

  • 4th annual in December 2023
  • ~26,500 'attendees' for free bundle
  • ~1,200 sales of paid bundle
  • ~$215,500 revenue

4 Day Summit

  • September 2021
  • ~4,000 registrants
  • 500+ Play Passes sold
  • ~$39,000 revenue

📈 Feedback + results from Low Ticket Live®️ 2023

Gold Sponsors

They received, on average:

  • 699 clicks to their main link
  • 2,301 clicks to their Swag Bag contribution
  • 371 clicks to their Ultimate Play Pass contribution

Silver Sponsors

They received, on average:

  • 208 clicks to their main link
  • 1,335 clicks to their Swag Bag contribution
  • 275 clicks to their Ultimate Play Pass contribution

Swag Bag Sponsors

They received, on average:

  • 137 clicks to their main link
  • 934 clicks to their Swag Bag contribution
“I've built my business mostly using paid advertisement so when I opted for the biggest sponsor package and also participated in my first English speaking summit, I was a bit nervous. But I knew Lizzy and I love everything she creates plus the topic was so aligned that I just had to go all in. The experience was everything I hoped for and more. On top of having an immediate positive return on the investment I also gained over 1500 new email subscribers. The summit itself was such an amazing experience. I loved all the other guests and sponsors too. Overall 10 out of 10. Thank you Lizzy.” - Evelyn Weiss (Gold Sponsor)
“Being a sponsor of any of Lizzy's events is truly an honor alongside being a wise business move (if you're a B2B business owner). Of course, I love the influx of leads that this brings to me—1000+ and counting. But even more than that, I love that I always know that the way that she's going to do things is aligned with how I would want things to be done from a values perspective, and so I can be absolutely confident in putting my name behind her work. In the month since the summit, I've already brought in new paying clients and made sales of my products directly from my Low Ticket Live leads. I've also been invited to speak at and participate in other upcoming events. If Lizzy's audience is aligned with yours and you have pathways already set up for your new leads to take to move into your community, I'd highly recommend sponsoring any of her events! (Oh, and the swag that sponsors get is pretty worth it for itself too; I've already made over $700 from the $9 offer + upsell I created as part of the Low Ticket Live $9 Offer Get it Done week—which I got to participate in as a sponsor for free!)” - Carly Bell (Silver Sponsor)
“Our Low Ticket Live sponsorship has been a fantastic experience, introducing almost 500 new people to our platform. If you get the chance to sponsor a Lizzy event, just say yes!” - Meg Burrage (Silver Sponsor)
“Sponsoring Low Ticket Live was my first sponsorship experience, and I truly had no idea how it would go. But, I trust Lizzy and her community, so I thought - why the heck not. And I am SO glad that I did. The cost per lead was well, well worth the investment, and I know that I made some sales directly from those leads during the summit. It was great exposure for my brand (which had recently gone through a rebrand, and needed some new eyeballs), and a really low-effort, low-energy way to get more eyeballs on my products and other resources.” - Megan Taylor (Swag Bag Sponsor)
“Low Ticket Live was well organized and a great event to be involved in. If you get the chance to sponsor one of Lizzy's events do it! We made our money back from tripwire sales and grew our list significantly. - Faith Mariah (Swag Bag Sponsor)
“I was totally blown away from the results I got from sponsoring Lizzy's summit. Before the summit, I set internal 'good/better/best' goals for what I hoped to achieve in terms of new subscribers to my email list. Well, the number I ended up with was almost DOUBLE my 'best' benchmark!!! Plus the whole experience of sponsoring the summit was totally organized and seamless. 10/10 would recommend to anyone else considering sponsoring one of Lizzy's events!- Christina Rava (Swag Bag Sponsor)

Gold Sponsor

(4 spots available)


Voxer access to me (Lizzy) to discuss sponsorship strategy

Solo ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ email to my full list during the event promo period.

Dedicated ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ Instagram feed post during the event promo period.

Dedicated ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ post in Team EBG’s Party Pad during the event promo period.

✅ 25 word text ad with link at the bottom of all emails sent to attendees prior to the event


✅ 25 word text ad under your logo on every presentation page linking wherever you’d like.

✅ Footer on main event pages: ‘With special thanks to…’, and your logo linking wherever you’d like

✅ Opportunity to lead some sort of live session for all attendees (hot seat, Q&A, interview, Ask Me Anything, etc) on a topic related to low ticket offers.

✅ 25 word text ad with link at the bottom of all 4 daily schedule emails.

✅ Opportunity to include something in the Swag Bag all attendees receive, with top placement.

✅ Opportunity to include something in the Ultimate Play Pass, with top placement.


✅ Joint email to all event attendees encouraging sign ups of your Swag Bag gift (includes direct link to your gift sign up page)

✅ Joint email to all Ultimate Play Pass buyers encouraging sign ups of your Ultimate Play Pass contribution (includes direct link to your contribution sign up page)

✅ Dedicated post in Team EBG’s Party Pad about an offer of your choice (August - November 2024)

Small But Mighty $9 Offers Get It Done Week

✅ Lizzy’s personal feedback via Voxer on 5-10 of your $9 offer ideas

✅ Featured placement at the top of promotion to my full list

✅ Direct link to your $9 offer in email to my full list


✅ Complimentary Ultimate Play Pass (value TBC)

✅ My Summit & Bundle Success course ($297)

✅ My Small But Mighty $9 Offers course ($9)

Gold Sponsor: $5,000 + VAT for UK businesses

Only 4 spots available. - all gone!

This is only available to B2B businesses with a focus/relevancy for online business owners (my audience).

Silver Sponsor

(6 spots available)


Voxer access to me (Lizzy) to discuss sponsorship strategy

Solo ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ email to my full list during the event promo period.

Joint ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ Instagram feed post during the event promo period.

Joint ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ post in Team EBG’s Party Pad during the event promo period.

✅ 25 word text ad with link at the bottom of the initial confirmation email sent to all attendees.


25 word text ad under your logo on every presentation page linking wherever you’d like.

✅ Footer on main event pages: ‘With special thanks to…’, and your logo linking wherever you’d like

Opportunity to lead some sort of live session for all attendees (hot seat, Q&A, interview, Ask Me Anything, etc) on a topic related to low ticket offers.

✅ 25 word text ad with link at the bottom of 2 daily schedule emails.

✅ Opportunity to include something in the Swag Bag all attendees receive, with 2nd placement

✅ Opportunity to include something in the Ultimate Play Pass, with 2nd placement


✅ Joint email to all event attendees encouraging sign ups of your Swag Bag gift (includes direct link to your gift sign up page)

✅ Joint email to all Ultimate Play Pass buyers encouraging sign ups of your Ultimate Play Pass contribution (includes direct link to your contribution sign up page)

Dedicated post in Team EBG’s Party Pad about an offer of your choice (August - November 2024)

Small But Mighty $9 Offers Get It Done Week

✅ Lizzy’s personal feedback via Voxer on 5-10 of your $9 offer ideas

✅ Featured placement at the top of promotion to my full list (under Gold sponsors)

Direct link to your $9 offer in email to my full list


✅ Complimentary Ultimate Play Pass (value TBC)

✅ My Summit & Bundle Success course ($297)

✅ My Small But Mighty $9 Offers course ($9)

Silver Sponsor: $2,500 + VAT for UK businesses

Only 6 3 spots available.

This is only available to B2B businesses with a focus/relevancy for online business owners (my audience).

Swag Bag Sponsor

(unlimited available)


Voxer access to me (Lizzy) to discuss sponsorship strategy

Solo ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ email to my full list during the event promo period.

Joint ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ Instagram feed post during the event promo period.

Joint ‘Sponsor Spotlight’ post in Team EBG’s Party Pad during the event promo period.

25 word text ad with link at the bottom of the initial confirmation email sent to all attendees.


25 word text ad under your logo on every presentation page linking wherever you’d like.

✅ Footer on main event pages: ‘With special thanks to…’, and your logo linking wherever you’d like

Opportunity to lead some sort of live session for all attendees (hot seat, Q&A, interview, Ask Me Anything, etc) on a topic related to low ticket offers.

25 word text ad with link at the bottom of 2 daily schedule emails.

✅ Opportunity to include something in the Swag Bag all attendees receive

Opportunity to include something in the Ultimate Play Pass, with 2nd placement


Joint email to all event attendees encouraging sign ups of your Swag Bag gift (includes direct link to your gift sign up page)

Joint email to all Ultimate Play Pass buyers encouraging sign ups of your Ultimate Play Pass contribution (includes direct link to your contribution sign up page)

Dedicated post in Team EBG’s Party Pad about an offer of your choice (August - November 2024)

Small But Mighty $9 Offers Get It Done Week

Lizzy’s personal feedback via Voxer on 5-10 of your $9 offer ideas

Featured placement at the top of promotion to my full list

Direct link to your $9 offer in email to my full list


✅ Complimentary Ultimate Play Pass (value TBC)

My Summit & Bundle Success course ($297)

My Small But Mighty $9 Offers course ($9)

Swag Bag Sponsor: $500 + VAT for UK businesses

Unlimited available

Descriptions of some of the things

Swag Bag
Ultimate Play Pass
Small But Mighty $9 Offers Get It Done Week

Important Info

Please note we will not be accepting sponsors whose:

  • Businesses are explicitly/exclusively for a gender-specific audience e.g. 'for women and non-binary folk only' or 'for mamas'.
  • Businesses in whole or part promote weight loss, dieting, healthism or fatphobia.
  • Businesses have a specific religion focus. (It's totally fine if you sometimes mention your faith in your business).

Additional Info

  • Everything included in your chosen package will be optional. We’ll work with you to make the most of each opportunity you’d like to take advantage of.
  • My goal is to have 5,000+ attendees for Low Ticket Live® 2024.
  • My full email list size is currently ~30,000. (I cleaned it earlier this year).
  • Team EBG’s Party Pad, my client/student-only Facebook group, currently has ~6,300 extremely engaged members.
  • My audience is very international, but skews towards USA/Canada & UK/Europe. It is almost entirely made up of online business owners or wannabe online business owners: coaches, service providers, course creators, membership owners, etc.

Key Dates + Deadlines

(Sunday, 28th April at 8pm UK / 3pm Eastern: Speaker applications close)

Friday, 17th May: Initial sponsor information deadline (e.g. logos, graphics, links, etc)

Friday, 7th June: Final sponsor information deadline (e.g. Swag Bag contribution link and Ultimate Play Pass contribution link)

Friday, 14th June: Swipe/graphics provided to sponsors, speakers & affiliates

Monday, 24th June: Sponsor/speaker/affiliate promotion begins

Monday 8th - Thursday 11th July: Low Ticket Live®️

Monday 15th - 21st July : Small But Mighty $9 Offers Get It Done Week

Maybe wanna do this?

Please fill this form and I’ll be in touch asap!

(I can’t get it to show all of the form - here’s the direct link if you’re having issues scrolling down!).